Jag providing food to the homeless for his weekly serve in Southampton.
Almost 2 years providing to the homeless within the South Coast area. Established in December 2014, we are a charitable organisation consisting of a small group of volunteers from the local Sikh Community. This has been an ongoing project to help the homeless and disadvantaged people by providing food aid in this challenging financial climate. Our aim has been to tackle the continuing problem of wide spread hunger and foster unity between communities.
Our voluntary service is delivered through the concept of Langar, free vegetarian food for everyone regardless of faith, gender, age or status. We run the provisions for Langar purely on donations, with volunteers who prepare, cook, serve and clean as part of their Seva (selfless service).
Our team, along with the support from volunteers, go out every week to the streets of Southampton with freshly prepared vegetarian food and drink.
Throughout 2015 and 2016 we have participated in a number of events in recognition of our Sikh beliefs and promoting Langar. These include Vaisakhi, Chabeel and National Langar week.
Fighting Hunger
Sikhs believe that no one should be hungry and langar is integral to the Sikh faith and lifestyle. It provides a daily lifeline for many people around the world, regardless if you are Sikh or not.
Langar was created by the founder of the Sikh faith, Guru Nanak Dev Ji over 500 years ago. It was designed to break down barriers and teach equality amongst all. This is why everyone regardless of religion, caste, colour, age, gender or social status eat together at the same level.
Teaching Compassion
Langar’s are all run on donations of food, money and time. Anyone can volunteer to cook, clean or distribute Langar. This is seva (selfless service) and it teaches us the joy of sharing with others and have empathy with those less fortunate.
With National Langar Week soon approaching in October, we as a group will be providing Langar (free vegetarian food) across the city of Southampton for a continuous 7 days. We invite different community groups to join us on the streets to offer free meals to those in need. National Langar Week 2015 was such a huge success we hope to replicate it this year.
Click here to follow us on our Facebook page or here for our Instagram.
by Jag Digwa.